The apartment was so lonely and deprived of anything soulful that I became more depressed with every passing minute. But I knew what I could be done, so with firm resolve I changed. The studio was dry and hopeless, and I was cold...and I knew I would only get colder.
I spent the afternoon contending with grey waves and a grey sky, with great forces, battling. Boogie-boarding. It's an interesting and fierce occupation. Yarden pointed out that if I have faced the waves with the right attitude, then I have merged with their greatness. We must not forget that merging is becoming.
The more time I spend in the ocean, the more I become like the ocean: strong, rolling, subtle, opaque, clear, fresh, living, fearless, timeless. How is it that every time I go, that thing is always waiting in there?--That. And when I emerge its tentacles have found their way into the deepest crevices of my soul, so that my eyes see differently, and my breath is more like the sighing of wind, and this body is only more simple-- simply beautiful, like a shell, or a stone on the shore.
That spirit which holds me, what should be its name? No...I won't say any name, lest it lose its power. Better to forget all about it--clever men may attempt to bottle it and sell it in recycled gift wrap.
Sunday, November 25, 2012
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Hitch to Lilongwe
4th of July celebration is underway this Saturday at the U.S. Ambassador's house in the capital this weekend and most everyone who's a volunteer is staying at the transit house these next few days. It's packed but I got a tent set up in the yard as many others have also done to avoid having to hunt for a spare mattress. While I'm in town I'm doing some errands for the Livingstonia Beekeeping Enterprise, the coorperative that I'm working with at my sight. We're looking for marketing assistance so I took a minibus to City Center, where all the embassies and NGOs are based and walked into the OVOP office and made a good pitch to them to give some resources to the Enterprise. They think that they can help the LBE find markets in Malawi, and possibly sell the honey in Japan too. Being a Peace Corps volunteer often means acting as a link between your community and other orgs that already operate in Malawi, facilitating communication and doing the legwork that is often not possible for the average villager. I'm really happy with the Beekeeping Enterprise that Peace Corps set me up to work with. The coordinator, my primary counterpart in Livingstonia, is named Hudson Chisambo and he's one of the most hard working, motivated people I've met here. If he had had the opportunity to finish highschool and go to university, he would have been a member of parliment by now. I eat at his house almost everyday and his wife NyaKapira even heats my bafa water for me since my house is not finished and wont be for another two weeks or so. Speaking of my house, I'm moving into a proper house on the Livingstonia platue that was built in 1948. It's got three big rooms, two storage rooms, bathroom with a bathtub and toilet, kitchen sink, fireplace, and I'm getting electricity installed. My neighbor on one side is the professor at the technical college, and his family is awesome and they love feeding me. My other neighbor is the literature professor at Livingstonia Teacher Training College, and his wife loves to cook for me too! Since I moved to Livingstonia in april I've cooked for myysef a total of three (3) times. Yeah. So basically, Peace Corps is ending up to be nothing like what I was expecting! Go figure. I'm the only environment volunteer in my group that has electricity in their house, since everyone is placed in really remote villages. But what's good for me is good for my friends of course, so I'll expect to host a lot of volunteers when they take vacation time or do site visits. Scott and Matteo and I are already planning to do a beekeeping workshop in the Enterprise as soon as I get my house together. Work is going very well. I've given Hudson my couperpart the title of Jedi Master Beekeeper. The guys at the honey Enterprise are very active and we just started a new beekeeping club last week, and trained about 10 women and eight men in hive construction and hanging. It felt great to hammer some hives together, and teach women how to saw and use woodworking tools! All the mothers brought their kids along and the kids were shocked to see their mothers welding hammers and plains and saws. So I kept saying to them, "Bwanakhazi wanga khoma--bwanamule pera yayi!" "Women can do caprentry--not just men!"
I've been happy overall, and more importantly I've been flossing everyday. More blog posts to come!
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Homestay to Site Visit

Monday, April 20, 2009
End of Training

Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Phili and Chips
Staging is like middle school. In middle school you're stuck between elementary and high school and it can be a very awkward and confusing time. Neither this nor that. Pergatory. Staging is like that. It's not home, but it ain't Africa:
It's Philadelphia.
I'm writing from the hotel room where they set us up two to a room. Scott, the banjo playing Alaskan, is my roomate. We already played a bunch of banjo tunes and exhausted our supply of songs off the top of our heads. Shady Grove, Tom Dooley, the usual suspects. A guy named Jake is in the room across from us and he's from Washington, also a forestry volunteer, and Lauren, whose from a town of seven people in Montana is next to us. We all went down the street to a pub and got fish-n-chips and the waitress was from Ireland cause her accent was very noticable, so it was a kind of cultural experience. I drank four glasses of water and I swear every time the Irish waitress filled up my water glass she became more fond of me until she gave me The Eye(the good eye, that is). We all went around telling why we were doing Peace Corps and the answers ranged from "public service" to "Grad school" to "umm...". Looks like we are the only ones who are at the hotel now. The rest are coming tomorrow we guess. We heard Namibia volunteers are in the Hilton. We're in the Sheriton. Botswana must be in the Ritz...scoundrels.
The plane ride and getting out of baggage claim was a learning experience: I learned that I brought heavy things. The electronics, while being presently cumbersome, will be appreciated later when I'm set up in my mud hut typing on my laptop and charging my camera by sun. I had to take out my laptop for the TSA guys at the security and the guy kept asking me questions about what else I had inside the backpack, and then I would reach into the pack and try to get out the batteries and what-nots and he would tell me "Step away sir!" like I was at the claims counter in jail. So after TSA took all my wires and batteries and opened up the solar panel bag and turned the battery on and turned the laptop on, I had to put all that stuff back in the backpack in a rush, and I still wasn't wearing my shoes at this point so I probably looked like some kind of strange shoeless electronics collector.
The flight started with a little delay and there was a girl about my age sitting next to me who I think was remarkably unfriendly. I asked her where she was going and she said, "My cousin's wedding."
"So," I asked, "That sounds like fun. Are you excited?"
"No. We're not close."
"ah ha."
Then the conversation died and was never resurrected for the whole flight.
Now it's 10 pm Phili time and all we have to do tomorrow is go to a meeting at 2pm in the lobby. I plan to sleep late and repack some stuff to make my day pack less like a large anvil and more like an unwieldy Christmas ham.
Love you all, miss everyone, very excited for what's to come.
Sunday, January 18, 2009
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